How goes it everyone

Thread Started By latinprince

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Hey everyone. Hope the new year is starting off amazing for all of you. A little bit about myself... I been in SL for a very very long time. I have pretty much done about everything in SL and now looking to learn 3d modeling and always been curious about the viewers found in these forums and their capabilities and how strong/weak they can be when ripping content from in world and stores. I will be looking around see how things work and will be looking to contribute as much as possible once i actually understand how to use these viewers with mesh and skin contents etc.

Well, we have a few tutorials on how to use the viewers and if you still need help just feel free to ask we're always happy to explain how things work. ^_^ Hee he I can't wiat to see what you share, old Sl players have the best items :)

LOL indeed we do.... been in SL since '04 :) got plenty of odd stuff LOL been reading around a lot . . . . have a few questions but will ask them in the appropiate forums :)

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About Second Life Copybot

Second Life CopyBot Forum is a place where you can get items for Second Life and other vitual worlds for free. With our CopyBot viewers you can export and import any content from these virtual worlds and modify them in 3D software such as Blender, 3D studio Macx etc...