
Thread Started By aphoenixburning

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To state the obvious I'm new here.
Greetings earthlings. :) 
I'm also new to this type viewer.
Joined SL in 2010 and used to funnel money into it like crazy. RL changed can no longer afford to do that. I've explored other grids.. IW, OSGrid, TGCG,  :Laugh: to name a few....... basically I'd just like to get the stuff I legally paid for... downloaded to my own computer - Tired of  things I paid legal tender for in the real world being held hostage and subject to the whims or financial downfalls of the powers that be. Anyway, appreciated the information provided here and any tips...... I appreciate. Ciao!

Welllcome to the family, We totally undestand where you're coming from so lets try to get you started.
First you're gonna want to download this viewer:
Darkstorm 3.1.0. OS ver, since you like to travel to other worlds besides SL the OS ver will allow you to do that:

[To see links please register here]

If you want to export your items the Legacy items export tutorial is here but is in the progress of being updated :/ :http://goonsquad.co/thread-9194.html
and the mesh export tutorial is here:http://goonsquad.co/thread-9682.html
How to export your animations is here:http://goonsquad.co/thread-9819.html

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Second Life CopyBot Forum is a place where you can get items for Second Life and other vitual worlds for free. With our CopyBot viewers you can export and import any content from these virtual worlds and modify them in 3D software such as Blender, 3D studio Macx etc...