*** Anarchy Ao ***

Thread Started By ☠ MosDef ☠

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1. Create new note in your inventory

2. Name it #(name of AO)

3. Open it and paste this into it:

[ Standing ]82b17ce4-0437-d560-7534-5195fe608504|9092e620-50aa-6c9d-d5cf-a99914c461eb|3a7ad68c-6c22-3774-a470-97f6229361c6|0eaff788-cff0-7518-7a67-446ff3ded7e4|b63e022a-13ca-a144-b955-004738243b3e|a9705ccd-6363-61da-ed09-7ce7b4a3c0ce|f06c15f1-6d24-1421-d22b-1de08348c880|4df3d1d3-2ac4-1aaa-afa7-bbf075a1dcad|13d0ac0d-c1ca-e21e-8718-dc7839a18398|c90937e8-d83e-9f60-79f6-45f1de91dfc3|31db8e84-4fda-2d8d-166a-a558fa83f044|ba9429b0-22f0-368c-dbd3-326ea10d713a|03aad5d4-953c-f485-5540-155c02c168cb|c29b38cd-7923-e96a-950c-dacfc430dd99|d973b82a-9b59-470d-66c0-3a5fea0c391d|f74eaa0d-3fb9-9ab2-e9c5-f31d8b79cb81|29493b0c-801d-c55f-9740-89fe8bfc4b10|290ef86a-5371-460e-45c8-eda4d8391c83|8c1bdd8d-0d9f-c241-089a-662aedc020a0|9dddc6d7-2d52-2c5c-cc97-1c15a314337c|d91ebbfb-38eb-c1bb-fcb8-4b8c82a084f0|76760890-4ef3-8dcb-8521-34d9719179f6|3d5eedab-4d62-ed80-8f99-390045ba330b|e03d6e4f-a7fd-d82f-08be-fae24d918317|874695f7-b807-4a91-4781-6579e6ad7453|d29a6e97-2c6d-c7a7-a2a3-311de9a3d9b7|b5c93f5b-5bd3-6f04-aadf-9938c73feb1e|e88894fa-7b9a-87b1-4078-f8922f62ec43|0f129366-5d9a-9305-3309-3af91387c9db|79e5e812-e078-9e92-dd00-80d5b59d88bc
[ Walking ]aaf5fce1-20a2-ff97-19da-4abab338bb54
[ Sitting ]5904d5d2-c3b6-d78b-8749-45e40c34b92e
[ Sitting On Ground ]
[ Crouching ]
[ Crouch Walking ]54332a33-b366-5727-b349-1518188e8b25
[ Landing ]abef8d44-e087-8040-441c-8a6617508f68
[ Standing Up ]
[ Falling ]d988c870-9339-8ead-a268-5708a94d62bc
[ Flying Down ]c7e94bb8-9ac5-576f-3f17-210f1c0a2bd1
[ Flying Up ]
[ Flying ]|f6f65020-3ed7-5462-459c-e4139b2ac5eb
[ Flying Slow ]
[ Hovering ]b75a3d39-738d-7aa1-8e34-228480f4dc22|2cba0ea2-966a-cd5f-c360-a8b385625412|299dca14-4c31-4e16-1bf0-d56fa93565f8
[ Jumping ]f737ef17-34d9-6436-0cb3-66978ee52308
[ Pre Jumping ]
[ Running ]771d469a-02c8-9446-4cfc-3611b1d949d6
[ Turning Right ]
[ Turning Left ]
[ Floating ]
[ Swimming Forward ]
[ Swimming Up ]
[ Swimming Down ]
[ Typing ]
## For advanced users only
## Lines starting with a # are treated as comments and ignored. Blank lines are ignored. Valid lines look like this:
## [ Walking ]SexyWalk1|SexyWalk2|SexyWalk3
## The token (in this case, [ Walking ] - note the spaces inside the [ ]) identifies the animation to be overridden. The rest is a list of
## animations, separated by the '|' (pipe) character. You can specify multiple animations for Stands, Walks, Sits, and GroundSits.
## Multiple animations on any other line are invalid. You can have up to 12 animations each for Walks, Sits and GroundSits.
## There is no hard limit on the number of stands, but adding too many stands will make the script run out of memory and crash, so be
## careful. You can repeat tokens, so you can split the Stands up across multiple lines. Use the [ Standing ] token in each line, and
## the script will add the animation lists together.
## Each 'animation name' can be a comma-separated list of animations, which will be played together. For example:
## [ Walking ]SexyWalk1UpperBody,SexyWalk1LowerBody|SexyWalk2|SexyWalk3
## Note the ',' between SexyWalk1UpperBody and SexyWalk1LowerBody - this tells ZHAO-II to treat these as a single
## 'animation' and play them together. The '|' between this 'animation' and SexyWalk2 tells ZHAO-II to treat SexyWalk2 and
## SexyWalk3 as separate walk animations. You can use this to layer animations on top of each other.
## Do not add any spaces around animation names!!!
## If you have read and understood these instructions, feel free to delete these lines. A shorter notecard will load faster.

4. Save the notecard

5. Click on Incognito/Neillife tab and choose AO (or press CTRL-SHIFT-O)

6. Drag and drop the notecard where it says to do so
[Image: 8cWHDmW.png]

Messages In This Thread
*** Anarchy Ao *** - by ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-11-2013, 11:10 PM

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