FMOD Studio

Thread Started By colorarity

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I'm not sure this is the most appropriate place to ask on, but I ran out of options honestly.

Lately my team and I have been working on compiling a new version of our personal Viewer; that's heavily based on Singularity Viewer, so far so good, right? Just need to do the tweaking and everything, right? Wrong.

See, before making any changes to the source code, se have a rule to compile the "normal" Singularity first to make sure if there's any issue whatsoever, it comes from our changes, and not the compile itself.

So we managed to compile Singularity Viewer on Debian 9, but using OpenAL as audio driver, which in theory isn't problematic, but it becomes problematic when it comes to playing media on sims, which is upsetting when you know that we use media in our worlds.
No biggy, just need to tell it you want to use FMOD studio instead of OpenAL. Sure, we followed the official tutorials, did everything they said by the book, but the program can't find FMOD and defaults back to OpenAL.

We were compiling the FMOD lib correctly, and put it in the right spot, but the program acts like it's not there.

So at this point we thought maybe it was just incompatible with FMOD on Debian 9. We tried on Ubuntu 18, same problem. So we thought "alright, maybe it's just Linux altogether that's broken".

So we tried on Windows 10.
First of all let me tell you the STRUGGLE IS REAL. Seriously what's a 3 step thing on Linux is at least a ten steps thing with Windows, but no matter, we tried anyway.
I kid you not, we can't even compile FMOD on Windows, it gives a random error and we're just stuck.

I'm open for any potential suggestion for improvements, we've also attempted a Firestorm copile with the same problems, by the way, since I know you guys love Firestorm. ;)

Hoping to hear from you guys soon!
Thanks for your time.

Messages In This Thread
FMOD Studio - by colorarity - 05-18-2020, 12:22 PM
RE: FMOD Studio - by Ap0110 - 05-18-2020, 09:04 PM
RE: FMOD Studio - by colorarity - 05-19-2020, 06:22 AM
RE: FMOD Studio - by Ap0110 - 05-19-2020, 08:07 AM
RE: FMOD Studio - by colorarity - 05-20-2020, 07:08 AM
RE: FMOD Studio - by colorarity - 05-25-2020, 10:52 AM
RE: FMOD Studio - by Optimus Prime - 05-25-2020, 10:52 AM

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