New, yet not new to all

Thread Started By rhundris

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Big Grin 

I am rhundris. I am new here and this is my first day. But I am not new to second life and have built things there, done some animations, much scripting, and even sculpties which were the precursor to mesh and also used blender. I got into mesh slower, but now have made some ladies outer clothes using Avastar. While some might judge the clothes as loose on the body, what I like about them is that they do allow underwear underneath just as in real life... if it is tight fitting mesh. I am almost at the point of believing that underwear should be tight fitting and hug the body but that mesh outer clothes perhaps should be loose enough to allow tight underwear below. I am here since some days I think I am doing things the hard way. But perhaps I can be a help also to some others, since I am not absolutely new at everything.:)

Messages In This Thread
New, yet not new to all - by rhundris - 04-29-2018, 04:23 PM
RE: New, yet not new to all - by Optimus Prime - 04-29-2018, 04:23 PM

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