LOD and Physics

Thread Started By ZedN84

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Hey everyone!

When exporting a mesh from SL, is it possible to include the LOD details or the Physics details?
This is so they can be imported into Opensim.

I am using Revelator to export from SL currently.


I would love to know this too. FWIW, I'm using Hydrastorm 6.3.8. 

LODs (for some static mesh) and physics models (for practically ALL buildings), are both really important. 
Less so for rigged mesh of course... 


No the Physics models is not included when you rip a mesh, you get the highest LOD model. From that you can either use the built in Physics generator to generate a Physics Model, but this is less than perfect when you are importing e.g. A house, as some parts will be too dense to generate a high poly physics mesh. and at a Low physics model, you will fall through the floor in some parts

You will need to seperate the object and  import the parts seperatley, generating a physics mesh depeining on the parts needs, or open the object up in blender and creat some simple low ploy versions using the addon MultiRes (Or manually of course).
And for the record, with regard to uploading into SL; the SL veiwer does a better job at  generating Physics models

With regards to LOD for static models, I just use the importer generated factor and play around with it to get my desired effect, as it's Opensim and free to upload, its pretty easy to get what you need.

Thanks D0gstar for the detailed response. Manually creating physics models isn't so hard, but it's a shame there's not an easier way (I'd never use viewer-generated physics for a building, for example). 

When I do original content, I almost always make explicit LOD models - you get much better LOD-LI tradeoff than anything you'll get from the importer generated LODs. And a lot of creators do the same - so it'd be nice to be able to download those as well. Sure, it doesn't matter as much in OpenSim, because of the way they calculate LI, but it's still creating sim load/lag if you have LODs more complex than they need to be, even if it's not reflected in LI.

Given the viewer does have all the data for the LOD and physics models (you can preview LODs and physics shapes in the FS interface), it should be possible for a copybot viewer to save that data, right?

I agree, it would be a valuable feature.

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