
Thread Started By SlappyK

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Hello peoples

I am new here and sure as hell don't want to look as if I was a leech. Yeah, I already downloaded, but in the meantime I was planning to upload some borrowed items ;) I have gathered which is stuffing my hard drives here.

The problem is that everything I think some of you may enjoy is already up here. This leaves me between a rock and a hard place and I don't want my newbie nuts cut off for leeching.
So this lead me to this question..... Drumroll please... This may make this thread explode...

Without a bunch of I wish`s, can I`s, can you`s and Please...please`s post what you are looking for. :Crying: Peeps... Keep it short and civil.

IF And I state... IF I have it here I will be most happy to place a link to the item. Again I may or may not have it within my 4TB of drives.
Only speaking for myself and not the Squad. These are my links and not to do with any of the Squad, it's members or dismembered.
In addition,
The American Humane Group “no animals were harmed during the actual borrowing or ripping of this item.”

If I post something it will have an odd name nothing like the item itself. This is due to the stupidity of some posting the exact name of the item and having it removed from the containing site. Example: PS cc may be called PoopShoot v.x. This will keep the owner's bots that scan sites for the actual name and having it and or the file taken down.

Now my request is if this post is OK and kept here for all,
I am looking for a reliable site for my shares. Someplace where they don't post 100 dam freaking download tabs which lead to unwanted Bull Shite to download the file or wait 60 mins to download at 15 Kbps d-load speed unless you pay their high extortion fees for 100 Kbps. Mega seems to be the only site that is clean so far and Anonymous is up and down every few weeks.
OK I'm done running my fingers across the keyboard.

P.S. My health is not the greatest so please don't expect an speedy response to a request. I will try my best...

Argggg I can't edit my stupid grammatical mistakes which I thought I caught in the preview.

@"SlappyK" you dont only have to share SL stuff. You can share 3D models/mesh from 3ds Max or Maya that is compatible with SL or opensim . Also you can share books, music other games etc... The main goal is to give and take.

Regarding a reliable upload site use

[To see links please register here]


Thanks Ap0110,
I'll remember that.

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