Thank you Shoopedlife! Hi everybody!

Thread Started By Evenios

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Just wanted to personally say thank you to the ShoopedLife team...i haent used it in a long while since apparently for a while
Geniouses LL decided NOT to hardware ban people......just use IP ban.....which easily can be worked around via VPN.

however looks like Old Mr. Hardwareban is back! and ShoopedLife was one of the only viewerst that had the trusty built in
hardware spoofer (which i ...assume still has lol)

back in the day it saved my ass plenty of times...and hopefully yet again!

Lately i moved to Opensim......its great because you can host your own grids or your own sim and import things via oar and stuff like  that....but it has sooo few people too. but. maybe i can have the best of both worlds and come back to sl too

but this time around i think im gonna copy the SHIT out of eveything God i have wasted too much damn timem and money into secondllife over the years.

second life isnt what it used to be you know?

used to be more open minded ..interesting its just clogged with a bunch of stuck up jmorons and

LL are as horrible as ever (you see how badly they fucked up sansar and now sold it? you know your product has failed when half of the people in second life your main userbase didnt even know what the FUCK sansar was lol)

but once agian LL's one sided abuse policy where you can hae someone harass you and send an abuse report and LL dont do fucking shit................and then you piss off ONE person and next thing you know you and all your damn alts are GONE which you invested money and timem into

am i RIGHT?

fuck that shit!

well as i said to second life so many times...cant keep ME OUT bitches!!!!!!
and hopefully i have one alt that still has land rights and i backed up a few full perm stuff on my land so we will see too lol

but hopefully im back!  with the help of your wonderful tools on these forums

i just want to say a personal thanks for all of you who have worked on thees viewers and tools to say FUCK It to LL and to second life

we are the rebels the underdogs the people that most of second life are afraid of

but as in reallife we wont give up and take shit! RAWWWWWWWWR!

and while  my coding/hacking/technical skills are not as great i shall endevor to use your tools here to stick it to SL
and maybe......."borrow" some nice contact fromm second life and bring it over to the wonderful opensim

for those who have never used opensim. you should try  iit can make your OWN damn grid!  be your OWN boss
not have to ever put up with LL's shit again! lol

i think that will be my soul purpose now to "take" what i want from second life and bring it over to opensim

and try to convince as many people as i can to leave fucking bullshit second  life behind and cross over ;-)

though with your tools i suppose SL will never truely be gone for me but i have a purpose

oh and on nopen sim heres how horrible the prices are in second life
if you want 4 full sims with 30,000 prims each it would cost you about 880 bucks PER MONTH not counting setup fees.

on Opensim i got 4 FULL sims with 50,000 prims EACH for 20 a month. and other then the castle oar i bought pretty much everything else on open sim is free!

Greedy fucking LL lol. 
Oh and i have a disablity in real life and sl and such is my escape and my way to connect where i cant in rl

and with this stupid virus and opensim are more userful then ever!

stay safe people! and thanks again for your hard work
RIP to all the second life avatars who died to bring us the tools you provide to us today.

- Evenios

apparently this was posed to the blog. thanks? lol :-)

Sounds like them Lindens banned you and you lost all your shit. Eh it happens. However you seem like an interesting person. You surely have a lot to say. PM me let’s see what we can do.

thanks much!

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