New Goonie!

Thread Started By Gaiha

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So glad I found this place... hehehe... lots of really kewl stuff to check out.

ok, so introductions are in order... I'm Gaiha, (totally not my real name, beacuse I may have been born @ night... but it wasn't last night, lolz).
Who am I?... I'm Computer Sciences Student up here in the Great White North, and I'm working on my Thesis Project.
What is my project?... Glad you asked...

Well it all started about 3 years ago...

I was bored, needed something to do, and found a few games/platforms. The Unfortunate part was that not one single game had ALL the features I was looking for. So I decided to make it my mission to at least try to create something that had those features built into it.

Kebec - is an Algonquin word meaning; Where the River Narrows.
Why 1661? well, it was a year for a great many things, the least of which was a great expansion and colonization of what was then called "The New World". So... together, they become the basis of what is hopefully great things to come. (also 1+6=6+1, hence 7=7... and 77 is 8(ate) more than the naughty number!).

I Graduated High School with Honours, and was awarded a full scholarship for my scholastic achievements. I decided early on, after meeting with my Professors, what I wanted to do for my Thesis Project. There was a considerable number of things that really annoyed me about the ESTABLISHMENT. Their Rules, Regulations, Legislation, and other seemingly Barbaric attempts at the control of INFORMATION so they could make a profit by exploiting the work of others. The countless hours spent by volunteers doing data entry to convert written pages of texts, volumes, archives and other forms of written media into digital format, only to have it end up being "SOLD" in some way, shape or form to people wanting to access it.

Creative Commons and Aaron Swartz (RIP). These two go together like Coffee and a Bagel. Aaron's contributions to the Internet have opened the gates that the ESTABLISHMENT (ie: Government) wants to control. By Control, it is perhaps best to explain that the Control is MONEY. The ESTABLISHMENT is only interested in "How can this be used for Profit."

OK... How can the ESTABLISHMENT be turned in on itself until it implodes upon itself? Simple... Offer the Populace an alternative to what the ESTABLISHMENT offers.

How does this apply to me?... Well, I am a Gamer. I love it. Unfortunately, I found that not one single game, had all of the features I wanted. So... here is the basis of what my Thesis Project is to be. A Complete 3D Virtual Reality that has every feature of what I have always wanted in a Game Platform!

... And when I am done this... I will perpetuate Aaron's Ideals by uploading my project to an online repository, where everyone can have access to it and/or contribute to it in the future... For some reason I can see my future, either as an Evil Genius, or a Gaol-Bird... lolz.

but welcome anyway.  

now lets see what yöu have to share....

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