
Thread Started By gorgonx

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i'm new here, that doesn't mean i come to leech stuff, i had tons of stuff i want to share, i found this site while searching stuff about second life, this look like a cool community, i hope i can find something i can learn on this website other then just surfing around.

- Gorgon (UK)

Glad to hear you want to jump in. Don't feel the need to rip stuff off if ya don't want to. Share your bought stuff...I sometimes buy stuff just to share it. Cuz, you know, my fam needs love sometimes. Just as long as you watch the tutorials and learn the way to do xml and colladas. we have PLENTY of videos and text tutes for you to learn, learn, learn.

Start with the xmls...easiest. but if you are a fast learner, watch all of Zero's tutes, she's got the mesh stuff down...most helpful!


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