Sales Assistant v1.1

Thread Started By YoungMoney

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//This script makes it possible to sell things out of boxes and split the profit with a partner.

//Sales Assistant v1.1
//by Nick Fortune - 09/01/2004

//This script makes it possible to sell things out of boxes and split the profit with a partner.
//The info about the objects price is read from the object's description.
//You can set the description on the GENERAL TAB just like the Object Name.

//Example Description:  100$ Super Mega Awesome Prim Thinger

//The script reads the price from the description so long as you have it in the format above.
//You must put "price$ info".  The dollar sign must be in there for the script to work.
//-----Do Not Remove Header

//key gPartner = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; // ############# PUT YOUR PARTNER'S KEY HERE. #############
//where the x's are your partner's key

key gPartner = ""; // ############# PUT YOUR PARTNER'S KEY HERE. #############

///----------------Don't need to change anything below this line-------------------

key gOwner;
integer gPrice;
integer gCut;
integer gPerms = FALSE;
string gObject;

default {
    state_entry() {
        llWhisper(0, (string)gPartner);
        gOwner = llGetOwner();
        list Parsed = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), ["$"], []);
        gPrice = llList2Integer(Parsed, 0);
        if (!gPrice) {
            llInstantMessage(gOwner, "Error:  Please set object description to ''price$ info about object''.  Touch to reset when ready.");
        else {
            if (gPartner != "") {
                gCut = llRound(gPrice / 2);
            gObject = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0);
    on_rez(integer passed) {
        if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) {

    run_time_permissions(integer type)
        if ((type & PERMISSION_DEBIT) != PERMISSION_DEBIT) {
            gPerms = FALSE;
            llInstantMessage(gOwner, "I require debit permissions to function.");
        else {
            gPerms = TRUE;
            llInstantMessage(gOwner, "I have aquired debit permissions from "+llKey2Name(gOwner)+".");
            if ((gPrice) && (gObject != "")) {
                if (gPartner != "") {
                    llInstantMessage(gOwner, "Selling "+gObject+" for "+(string)gPrice+"$L. [Partner receives "+(string)gCut+"$L cut.]");
                else {
                    llInstantMessage(gOwner, "Selling "+gObject+" for "+(string)gPrice+"$L. [NO Partner Defined.]");
            else {
                llInstantMessage(gOwner, "I have permissions, but your box is missing contents or missing a price.");
                llInstantMessage(gOwner, "Fix error and touch to reset when ready.");

    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) {
        else {
                llWhisper(0, gObject+" - $"+(string)gPrice+"L.  Right click and pay amount to purchase.");
    money(key giver, integer amount) {
        if (gPerms == TRUE) {
            if (amount < gPrice) {
                llSay(0, gObject+" costs L$" + (string) gPrice);
                llSay(0, "You paid $L"+(string)amount+", which is not enough!");
                llGiveMoney(giver, amount);
            else {
                llSay(0, "Thank you for your purchase!");
                llGiveInventory(giver, gObject);
                if (amount > gPrice) {
                    llGiveMoney(giver, amount - gPrice);
                if (gPartner != "") {
                    llGiveMoney(gPartner, gCut);

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