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Posted by: boogaloo - 02-21-2013, 08:20 PM - Forum: SKYBOXES - No Replies

[Image: i5stg0.png]

[Image: 28c3mdw.png]

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  Modern Skybox Home
Posted by: boogaloo - 02-21-2013, 08:19 PM - Forum: SKYBOXES - No Replies

[Image: 21012d3.png]
[Image: 2m3s309.png]

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  A Skybox and a Q
Posted by: boogaloo - 02-21-2013, 08:15 PM - Forum: SKYBOXES - Replies (1)

[Image: k0fpr9.jpg]

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  vampire skin
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-21-2013, 01:35 AM - Forum: Female Skins - No Replies

[Image: x3798h.png]

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  FreeView 1.2 WebGuide (revision 3)
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-21-2013, 12:02 AM - Forum: Communication Scripts - No Replies

Multifunctional Picture viewer and Video control script with webguide support

This script is distributed for free and must stay that way.


Help for using this script can be obtained at:

[To see links please register here]

Feel free to modify this script and post your improvement. Leave the credits intact but feel free to add your name at its bottom.

Whats new:

Now using FULL_BRIGHT instead of PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT for the screen display
Added an ownership-change code to handle cases where FreeView gets deeded to group post Video Init.
Renamed WebGuide to TV-Guide to reflect what this thing does better.
Added a 'Fix Scale' button to Picture mode to help against user texture-scale changes.
Additional minor help-tips and code improvements


CrystalShard Foo presents...
FreeView 1.2 WebGuide (revision 3)
Tags: scripts, xml-rpc, avatar, chat, communications, dialog, dataserver, deprecated, detection, group, inventory, math, media, movement, notecard, light, owner, parcel, primitive, texture, time, timer, touch, video, xmlrpc, featured
Description: Multifunctional Picture viewer and Video control script with webguide support
This script is distributed for free and must stay that way.


Help for using this script can be obtained at: http://www.slguide.com/help

Feel free to modify this script and post your improvement. Leave the credits intact but feel free to add your name at its bottom.

Whats new:
Now using FULL_BRIGHT instead of PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT for the screen display
Added an ownership-change code to handle cases where FreeView gets deeded to group post Video Init.
Renamed WebGuide to TV-Guide to reflect what this thing does better.
Added a 'Fix Scale' button to Picture mode to help against user texture-scale changes.
Additional minor help-tips and code improvements


integer PICTURE_ROTATION_TIMER = 30;   //In whole seconds

integer DISPLAY_ON_SIDE = ALL_SIDES; //Change this to change where the image will be displayed

key VIDEO_DEFAULT = "71b8ff26-087d-5f44-285b-d38df2e11a81";  //Test pattern - Used as default video texture when one is missing in parcel media
key BLANK = "5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f"; //Blank texture - Used when there are no textures to display in Picture mode
string NOTECARD = "bookmarks";  //Used to host URL bookmarks for video streams

integer VIDEO_BRIGHT = TRUE;    //FULL_BRIGHT status for Video
integer PICTURE_BRIGHT = TRUE;  //FULL_BRIGHT status for Picture

integer REMOTE_CHANNEL = 9238742;

integer mode = 0;           //Freeview mode.
                            //Mode 0 - Power off
                            //Mode 1 - Picture viewer
                            //Mode 2 - Video

integer listenHandle = -1;      //Dialog menu listen handler
integer listenUrl = -1;         //listen handler for channel 1 for when a URL is being added
integer listenTimer = -1;       //Timer variable for removing all listeners after 2 minutes of listener inactivity
integer listenRemote = -1;      //listen handler for the remote during initial setup
integer encryption = 0;
integer numberofnotecardlines = 0;  //Stores the current number of detected notecard lines.
integer notecardline = 0;       //Current notecard line

integer loop_image = FALSE;     //Are we looping pictures with a timer? (picture mode)
integer current_texture = 0;    //Current texture number in inventory being displayed (picture mode)
integer chan;                   //llDialog listen channel
integer notecardcheck = 0;
key video_texture;              //Currently used video display texture for parcel media stream

string moviename;
string tempmoviename;
key notecardkey = NULL_KEY;
key tempuser;                   //Temp key storge variable
string tempurl;                 //Temp string storge variable

integer isGroup = TRUE;
key groupcheck = NULL_KEY;
key last_owner;
key XML_channel;

pictures()      //Change mode to Picture Viewer
    //Initilize variables
    //Change prim to Light material while coloring face 0 black to prevent light-lag generation.

    integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
    if(check == 0)
        report("No pictures found.");
        if(current_texture > check)
            //Set to first texture if available
            current_texture = 0;

video()         //Change mode to Video
    //Change prim to Light material while coloring face 0 black to prevent light-lag generation.
    report("Video mode"+moviename+": Stopped");
    if(finditem(NOTECARD) != -1)
        tempuser = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(NOTECARD);
    video_texture = llList2Key(llParcelMediaQuery([PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE]),0);
    if(video_texture == NULL_KEY)
        video_texture = VIDEO_DEFAULT;
        llSay(0,"No parcel media texture found. Setting texture to default: "+(string)VIDEO_DEFAULT);
        if(llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()) != llGetOwner())
            llSay(0,"Error: Cannot modify parcel media settings. "+llGetObjectName()+" is not owned by parcel owner.");

    report("Click to power on.");

integer finditem(string name)   //Finds and returns an item's inventory number
    integer i;
        if(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,i) == NOTECARD)
            return i;
    return -1;

seturl(string url, key id)  //Set parcel media URL
    if(mode != 2)
        mode = 2;
    moviename = tempmoviename;
        moviename = " ["+moviename+"]";
    tempmoviename = "";
    string oldurl = llList2String(llParcelMediaQuery([PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL]),0);
    if(oldurl != "")
        llOwnerSay("Setting new media URL. The old URL was: "+oldurl);

        report("Video mode"+moviename+": Playing");
        llSay(0,"New media URL set.");
        llOwnerSay("New media URL set: "+url);

string mediatype(string ext)    //Returns a string stating the filetype of a file based on file extension
    ext = llToLower(ext);
    if(ext == "swf")
        return "Flash";
    if(ext == "mov" || ext == "avi" || ext == "mpg" || ext == "mpeg" || ext == "smil")
        return "Video";
    if(ext == "jpg" || ext == "mpeg" || ext == "gif" || ext == "png" || ext == "pict" || ext == "tga" || ext == "tiff" || ext == "sgi" || ext == "bmp")
        return "Image";
    if(ext == "txt")
        return "Text";
    if(ext == "mp3" || ext == "wav")
        return "Audio";
    return "Unknown";

browse(key id)      //Image browser function for picture viewer mode
    integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
    string header;
    if(check > 0)
        header = "("+(string)(current_texture+1)+"/"+(string)check+") "+llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,current_texture);
        header = "No pictures found.";
    llDialog(id,"** Monitor Control **\n Picture Viewer mode\n- Image browser\n- "+header,["Back","Next","Menu"],chan);

report(string str)

extendtimer()       //Add another 2 minute to the Listen Removal timer (use when a Listen event is triggered)
    if(listenHandle == -1)
        listenHandle = llListen(chan,"","","");
    listenTimer = (integer)llGetTime() + 120;
    if(loop_image == FALSE)

config(key id)      //Configuration menu
    llDialog(id,"Current media URL:\n"+llList2String(llParcelMediaQuery([PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL]),0)+"\nTip: If the picture is abit off, try 'Align ON'",["Set URL","Align ON","Align OFF","Menu","Set Remote"],chan);

tell_remote(string str)
    llShout(REMOTE_CHANNEL,llXorBase64Strings(llStringToBase64((string)encryption + str), llStringToBase64((string)encryption)));

menu(key id)        //Dialog menus for all 3 modes
    list buttons = [];
    string title = "** Monitor control **";

    if(mode != 0)
        if(mode == 1)       //Pictures menu
            title+="\n  Picture Viewer mode";
            if(loop_image == FALSE)
            buttons+=["Video","Power off","Help","Fix scale"];
        else                //Video menu
            title+="\n Video display mode\n"+moviename+"\nTip:\nClick 'TV Guide' to view the Online bookmarks.";
            buttons+=["Pictures","Configure","Power off","Loop","Unload","Help","Play","Stop","Pause","TV Guide","Bookmarks","Set URL"];
        buttons += ["Pictures","Video","Help"];

display_texture(integer check)  //Display texture and set name in description (picture mode)
{                               //"Check" holds the number of textures in contents. The function uses "current_texture" to display.
    string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,current_texture);
    report("Showing picture: "+name+" ("+(string)(current_texture+1)+"/"+(string)check+")");

next()  //Change to next texture (picture mode)
{       //This function is used twice - by the menu and timer. Therefor, it is a dedicated function.
    integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
    if(check == 0)
        current_texture = 0;
        report("No pictures found.");
    if(check == current_texture)
        current_texture = 0;

        chan = (integer)llFrand(1000) + 1000;   //Pick a random listen channel for the listener
        if(PICTURE_ROTATION_TIMER <= 0)         //Ensure the value is no less or equal 0
        listenHandle = -1;
        last_owner = llGetOwner();
        groupcheck = llRequestAgentData(llGetOwner(),DATA_NAME);
    on_rez(integer i)

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        //Listen only to owner or group member. Edit this code to change access controls.
        if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner() && llDetectedGroup(0) == FALSE)

        if(llGetOwnerKey(llGetKey()) != last_owner)  //Sense if object has been deeded to group for Web Guide function
            isGroup = TRUE;
            last_owner = llGetOwner();
            groupcheck = llRequestAgentData(llGetOwner(),DATA_NAME);
            if(mode == 2)
                llSay(0,"Detected change in ownership. Attempting to obtain current parcel media texture...");

    changed(integer change)
        if(change == CHANGED_INVENTORY) //If inventory change
            if(mode == 1)   //If picture mode
                integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
                if(check != 0)
                    current_texture = 0;
                    report("No pictures found.");
                if(mode == 2)   //If video mode
                    if(finditem(NOTECARD) != -1)    //And bookmarks notecard present
                        if(notecardkey != llGetInventoryKey(NOTECARD))
                            tempuser = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(NOTECARD);    //Reload number of lines
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Pictures")
            if(mode == 2)
            mode = 1;
        if(message == "Video")
            mode = 2;
        if(message == "Power off")
            if(mode == 2)
            mode = 0;
        if(message == "Help")
            llSay(0,"Help documentation is available at: http://www.slguide.com/help");
                if(id == NULL_KEY)
                    llSay(0,"FreeView cannot load help pages while set to group without the remote.");
                    llSay(0,"For further assistance, please consult: http://slguide.com/help");
                llLoadURL(id,"Help pages for FreeView","http://www.slguide.com?c="+(string)XML_channel+"&help=1");
        if(mode == 1)
            if(message == "Browse")
                loop_image = FALSE;
            if(message == "Next")
            if(message == "Back")
                integer check = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
                if(check == 0)
                    current_texture = 0;
                    report("No pictures found.");
                if(current_texture < 0)
                    current_texture = check - 1;
            if(message == "Menu")
            if(message == "Loop")
                loop_image = TRUE;
                llOwnerSay("Picture will change every "+(string)PICTURE_ROTATION_TIMER+" seconds.");
            if(message == "Unloop")
                loop_image = FALSE;
                llOwnerSay("Picture loop disabled.");
            if(message == "Fix scale")
                llSay(0,"Setting display texture to 1,1 repeats and 0,0 offset.");
                llScaleTexture(1, 1, DISPLAY_ON_SIDE);
                llOffsetTexture(0, 0, DISPLAY_ON_SIDE);
        if(mode == 2)
            if(channel == REMOTE_CHANNEL)
                if(encryption == 0)
                    encryption = (integer)message;
                listenRemote = -1;
                llSay(0,"Remote configured ("+(string)id+")");
            if(message == "TV Guide")
                        llSay(0,"** Error - This FreeView object has been deeded to group. You must use a Remote control to open the TV Guide.");
                        llSay(0,"You can set up the remote control from the Video -> Configuration menu. Please refer to the notecard for further assistance.");
                    llLoadURL(id, "Come to the Guide to Start Your Viewer Playing!", "http://slguide.com/index.php?v=" + (string)llGetKey() + "&c=" + (string)XML_channel + "&o=" + (string)llGetOwner() + "&");

            string header = "Video mode"+moviename+": ";
            if(message == "<< Prev")
                if(notecardline < 0)
                    notecardline = numberofnotecardlines - 1;
                tempuser = id;
            if(message == "Next >>")
                if(notecardline >= numberofnotecardlines)
                    notecardline = 0;
                tempuser = id;
            if(message == "Use")
                if(tempurl == "** No URL specified! **")
                    tempurl = "";
            if(message == "Menu")
            if(message == "Configure")
            if(message == "Bookmarks")
                if(notecardcheck != -1)
                    llDialog(id,"Error: No valid bookmark data found in notecard '"+NOTECARD+"'.",["Menu"],chan);
                if(finditem(NOTECARD) != -1)                
                    tempuser = id;
                    if(numberofnotecardlines < notecardline)
                        notecardline = 0;
                    llDialog(id,"Error: No notecard named "+NOTECARD+" found in contents.",["Menu"],chan);
            if(llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()) != llGetOwner())    //If we do not have permissions to actually do the following functions
                llSay(0,"Error: Cannot modify parcel media settings. "+llGetObjectName()+" is not owned by parcel owner.");
                return; //Abort
            if(listenUrl != -1 && channel == 1) //Incoming data from "Set URL" command (user spoke on channel 1)
                listenUrl = -1;
                tempmoviename = "";
            if(message == "Play")
            if(message == "Stop")
            if(message == "Pause")
            if(message == "Unload")
            if(message == "Loop")
            //URL , Auto-Scale,
            if(message == "Set URL")
                listenUrl = llListen(1,"",id,"");
                llDialog(id,"Please type the URL of your choice with /1 in thebegining. For example, /1 www.google.com",["Ok"],938);
            if(message == "Align ON")
            if(message == "Align OFF")
            if(message == "Set Remote")
                llSay(0,"Configuring remote...");
                encryption = 0;
                listenRemote = llListen(REMOTE_CHANNEL,"","","");
    dataserver(key queryid, string data)
        if(queryid == groupcheck)       //Test if object is deeded to group
            groupcheck = NULL_KEY;
            isGroup = FALSE;
        if(queryid == tempuser) //If just checking number of notecard lines
            numberofnotecardlines = (integer)data;
            notecardkey = llGetInventoryKey(NOTECARD);
            notecardcheck = 0;
        if(notecardcheck != -1)
            if(data != EOF)
                if(data == "")
                    notecardcheck = -1;

        if(data == "" && notecardline < numberofnotecardlines)    //If user just pressed "enter" in bookmarks, skip
        if(data == EOF)
            notecardline = 0;
        list parsed = llParseString2List(data,["|","| "," |"," | "],[]);    //Ensure no blank spaces before "http://".
        string name = llList2String(parsed,0);
        tempurl = llList2String(parsed,1);
        if(tempurl == "")
            tempurl = "** No URL specified! **";
        tempmoviename = name;
        llDialog(tempuser,"Bookmarks notecard ("+(string)(notecardline+1)+"/"+(string)numberofnotecardlines+")\n"+name+" ("+mediatype(llList2String(llParseString2List(tempurl,["."],[]),-1))+")\n"+tempurl,["<< Prev","Use","Next >>","Menu"],chan);
    remote_data(integer type, key channel, key message_id, string sender, integer ival, string sval)
        if (type == REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL)
            XML_channel = channel;
        else if(type == REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST)
            list media_info = llParseString2List(sval, ["|"], []);
            tempmoviename = llList2String(media_info,0);
            llRemoteDataReply(channel, message_id, sval, 1);
        if(llGetTime() > listenTimer)       //If listener time expired...
            llListenRemove(listenHandle);   //Remove listeneres.
            listenHandle = -1;
            listenUrl = -1;
            listenRemote = -1;
            listenTimer = -1;
            if(loop_image == FALSE || mode != 1) //If we're not looping pictures or are in picture mode at all
                llSetTimerEvent(0.0);   //Remove timer
        if(loop_image == TRUE && mode == 1) //If we're looping pictures and and we're in picture mode...
            next(); //Next picture

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  Parcel Analyzer
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-20-2013, 11:55 PM - Forum: Business Scripts - Replies (3)

Bornslippy Ruby presents...
Parcel Analyzer
Tags: avatar, effects, ground, group, math, owner, parcel, primitive, region, text, time, timer, world, featured, tools


vector Color = <0, .5, 0>;
  float UpdateInterval = 60.0;
integer UTCOffset = 1;
   list Days   = ["Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"];
   list Months = ["January", "Febrary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Agoust", "September", "October", "November", "December"];

string Parcel;

integer llAirPressure()
    vector Position = llGetPos();
    float Base_Reading = llLog10(5- (((Position.z - llWater(ZERO_VECTOR)) + 10.0)/15500));
    float KiloPascal = (101.32500 + Base_Reading);
    return (integer)KiloPascal;

string GetDay(integer offset)
    return llList2String(Days, ((((llGetUnixTime()/3600) + offset)/24)%7));

string GetMonth(integer month)
    return llList2String( ( [""] + Months ), month );

    if ( Parcel == "" )
        Parcel = "[Parcel: " + llList2String( flags, 0 ) + "]\n";
        if ( llList2String( flags, 1 ) != "" )
            Parcel += "[Description: " + llList2String( flags, 1 ) + "]\n";
        if ( llKey2Name( llList2Key( flags, 2 ) ) != "" )
            Parcel += "[Owner: " + llKey2Name( llList2Key( flags, 2 ) ) + "]\n";
        if ( llKey2Name( (key)llList2String( flags, 3 ) ) != "" )
            Parcel += "[Group: " + llKey2Name( (key)llList2String( flags, 3 ) ) + "]\n";
        Parcel += "[Size: " + llList2String( flags, 4 ) + " sqm.]";
    list timestamp = llParseString2List(llGetTimestamp(),["T",":",":","."],[]);
    list date = llParseString2List(
            llList2String(timestamp, 0),

    vector pos = llGetPos();        
    vector windVector = llWind(pos);
    float wind;
    if ( windVector.x > windVector.y ) wind = windVector.x;
    else wind = windVector.y;

    string sign;
    if ( UTCOffset > 0 ) sign = "+";
    else sign = "-";
    string text = (string)(llList2Integer(timestamp,1) + UTCOffset) + ":" + llList2String(timestamp,2 ) + " UTC"+sign+(string)UTCOffset+"\n" +
                GetDay(1) + " " + llList2String(date, 2) + " " + GetMonth((integer)llList2String(date, 1)) + " " + llList2String(date, 0) + "\n" +
                "[Parcel Informations]\n"+Parcel+"\n[Pressure: " + (string)llAirPressure() + " KiloPascal]" + "[Altitude: " + (string)((integer)pos.z) + " Meters][Wind: " + (string) wind +"]\n" +
                "[Sun: n/a]\n";

    llSetText(text, Color, 1);

        llSetTimerEvent( UpdateInterval );
    changed( integer _c )
        if ( _c & CHANGED_REGION )
            Parcel = "[Parcel: " + llList2String( flags, 0 ) + "]\n";
            if ( llList2String( flags, 1 ) != "" )
                Parcel += "[Description: " + llList2String( flags, 1 ) + "]\n";
            if ( llKey2Name( llList2Key( flags, 2 ) ) != "" )
                Parcel += "[Owner: " + llKey2Name( llList2Key( flags, 2 ) ) + "]\n";
            if ( llKey2Name( (key)llList2String( flags, 3 ) ) != "" )
                Parcel += "[Group: " + llKey2Name( (key)llList2String( flags, 3 ) ) + "]\n";
            Parcel += "[Size: " + llList2String( flags, 4 ) + " sqm.]";

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  UUID Sensor Private ( Channel 50 )
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-20-2013, 11:52 PM - Forum: Avatar Augmentation Scripts - No Replies

Bornslippy Ruby presents...
UUID Sensor Private ( Channel 50 )
Tags: chat, communications, detection, owner, sensor, featured, tools


        llListen( 50, "", llGetOwner(), "start" );
    listen( integer _c, string _n, key _k, string _m )
        llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 92.2, TWO_PI);
    sensor(integer _n)
        string Text = "\n";
        integer x;
        for (; x<_n; ++x)
            Text += "\n" + (string) llDetectedKey(x) + " " + llDetectedName(x);
        llOwnerSay( Text );

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  Swarm Script
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-20-2013, 11:45 PM - Forum: PARTICLES - Replies (1)

This script is my implementation of the well-known swarm algorithm which can be found in numerous open-source programs.

Due to the specifics of the SL environment, I have strayed from some of the traditional rules slightly.

Regardless, the end effect is indistiguishable from the original algorithm.

Apotheus Silverman, Riptide Ramos presents...
Swarm Script
Tags: scripts, chat, collision, communications, damping, detection, ground, hover, movement, physics, primitive, region, rotation, sensor, time, vehicle, world, featured
Description: &nbsp;
// Swarm script
// by Apotheus Silverman
// with mods from Riptide Ramos
// This script is my implementation of the well-known swarm algorithm
// which can be found in numerous open-source programs.
// Due to the specifics of the SL environment, I have strayed from some
// of the traditional rules slightly. Regardless, the end effect is
// indistiguishable from the original algorithm.
This script is my implementation of the well-known swarm algorithm which can be found in numerous open-source programs.
Due to the specifics of the SL environment, I have strayed from some of the traditional rules slightly.
Regardless, the end effect is indistiguishable from the original algorithm.

// Configurable parameters

// Determines whether or not to enable STATUS_SANDBOX.
integer sandbox = FALSE;

// Timer length
float timer_length = 0.7;

// Die after this many seconds
integer kill_time = 300;

// How much force to apply with each impulse
float force_modifier = 1.0;

// How much force to apply when repulsed by another like me
float repulse_force_modifier = 0.5;

// How much friction to use on a scale from 0 to 1.
// Note that friction takes effect each timer cycle, so the lower the timer length,
// the more the friction you specify here will take effect, thereby increasing actual
// friction applied.
float friction = 0.6;

// How much to modify rotation damping. Higher numbers produce slower rotation.
float rotation_modifier = 80;

// Does this object "swim" in air or water?
// 2 = air
// 1 = water
// 0 = both
integer flight_mode = 2;

// *** Don't change anything below unless you *really* know what you're doing ***

// Collision function
collide(vector loc) {
    vector mypos = llGetPos();
    float mass = llGetMass();
    // Apply repulse force
    vector impulse = llVecNorm(mypos - loc);
    llApplyImpulse(impulse * repulse_force_modifier * mass, FALSE);
    // Update rotation
    llLookAt(mypos + llGetVel(), mass * 0.5, mass * rotation_modifier);

// This function is called whether the sensor senses anything or not
sensor_any() {
    // Die after reaching kill_time
    if (kill_time != 0 && llGetTime() >= kill_time) {

    // Get my position and mass
    vector mypos = llGetPos();

    // Check for air/water breach
    if (flight_mode == 1) {
        // water
        if (mypos.z >= llWater(mypos)) {
            collide(<mypos.x, mypos.y, mypos.z + 0.3> );
    } else if (flight_mode == 2) {
        // air
        if (mypos.z <= llWater(mypos)) {
            collide(<mypos.x, mypos.y, mypos.z - 0.3> );

default {
    state_entry() {
        llSay(0, "Fishy spawned.");

        // Sandbox
        llSetStatus(STATUS_SANDBOX, sandbox);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, FALSE);

        // Initialize physics behavior
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE);

        // Initialize sensor
        llSensorRepeat(llGetObjectName(), NULL_KEY, ACTIVE|SCRIPTED, 96, PI, timer_length);

    collision_start(integer total_number) {
    land_collision_start(vector position) {
        vector mypos = llGetPos();
        collide(mypos - llGroundNormal(mypos));

    no_sensor() {

    sensor(integer total_number) {

        // Populate neighbors with the positions of the two nearest neighbors.
        vector mypos = llGetPos();
        float mass = llGetMass();
        list neighbors = [];
        integer i;
        vector v1;
        vector v2;
        float d1 = 100;
        float d2 = 100;

        for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) {
        vector current_pos = llDetectedPos(i);
        float cur_dist = llVecDist(mypos, current_pos);
        if ( cur_dist < d1 ) {
            // Shift list down, take over top slot.
           d2 = d1;
           v2 = v1;
           d1 = cur_dist;
           v1 = current_pos;
        } else if ( cur_dist < d2 ) {
            // Replace second slot only
           d2 = cur_dist;
           v2 = current_pos;
        // Process movement

        // Apply friction
        llApplyImpulse(-(llGetVel() * friction * mass), FALSE);

        // Apply force
        if (llGetListLength(neighbors) == 2) {
            vector neighbor1 = llList2Vector(neighbors, 0);
            vector neighbor2 = llList2Vector(neighbors, 1);
            vector target = neighbor2 + ((neighbor1 - neighbor2) * 0.5);
            vector impulse = llVecNorm(target - mypos);
            llSetForce(impulse * force_modifier * mass, FALSE);

        // Update rotation
        llLookAt(llGetPos() + llGetVel(), mass * 0.5, mass * rotation_modifier);

    on_rez(integer start_param) {

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  YouTube Video Player
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-20-2013, 11:43 PM - Forum: Communication Scripts - No Replies

Anonymous presents...
YouTube Video Player
Tags: scripts, chat, communications, media, movement, light, owner, parcel, primitive, texture, touch, video, featured

//send request to web server, get back a url
//set texture
//set parcel media url

string vidurl;
string vidid;
string homeurl;
key mediatexture = "d41f6ea7-e3d3-a8bf-d809-f7cfb52e4757";
string instructions = "Say YouTube links in chat to have them play.";
key httpid;

string VidID(string link)
    integer index = llSubStringIndex(link, "v=");
    return llGetSubString(link, index + 2, index + 12);

    touch_start(integer num)
        llSay(0, instructions);
        llSetTexture(mediatexture, ALL_SIDES);        
        if (llGetOwner() == llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()))
            llListen(0, "", NULL_KEY, "");
            llListen(1, "", NULL_KEY, "");
            llSay(0, instructions);
            llSay(0, "Error: I am not owned by the landowner.  If the land is group owned, I need to be deeded to group.");

    on_rez(integer param)
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if (~llSubStringIndex(message, "http://www.youtube") || ~llSubStringIndex(message, "http://youtube")||~llSubStringIndex(message, "https://www.youtube") || ~llSubStringIndex(message, "https://youtube"))
            list params;
            string vidid;
            //turn the data into a vidid
            vidid = VidID(message);
            string hd;
            if (channel == 1) hd = ".mp4?fs=1";
            else hd = ".mp4";
            homeurl = "http://www.youtubemp4.com/video/" + vidid + hd;
            params = [PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL, homeurl];
            params += [PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TYPE, "video/mp4"];
            llSay(0, "Playing " + message + ".  Push play on your viewer.");          

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  Rose Firefly Particles
Posted by: ☠ MosDef ☠ - 02-20-2013, 11:08 PM - Forum: PARTICLES - No Replies

Anonymous presents...
Rose Firefly Particles
Tags: effects, owner, particles, primitive

// Mask Flags - set to TRUE to enable
integer glow = TRUE;            // Make the particles glow
integer bounce = FALSE;          // Make particles bounce on Z plan of object
integer interpColor = TRUE;     // Go from start to end color
integer interpSize = TRUE;      // Go from start to end size
integer wind = TRUE;           // Particles effected by wind
integer followSource = FALSE;    // Particles follow the source
integer followVel = TRUE;       // Particles turn to velocity direction

// Choose a pattern from the following:
integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE;

// Select a target for particles to go towards
// "" for no target, "owner" will follow object owner
//    and "self" will target this object
//    or put the key of an object for particles to go to
key target = "";

// Particle paramaters
float age = .5;                  // Life of each particle
float maxSpeed = 0;            // Max speed each particle is spit out at
float minSpeed = 0;            // Min speed each particle is spit out at
string texture;                 // Texture used for particles, default used if blank
float startAlpha = 0.1;           // Start alpha (transparency) value
float endAlpha = 1;           // End alpha (transparency) value
vector startColor = <1.0, 0.0, 1.0>;    // Start color of particles <R,G,B>
vector endColor = <1.0, 0.0, 1.0>;      // End color of particles <R,G,B> (if interpColor == TRUE)
vector startSize = <.1,.1,.1>;     // Start size of particles
vector endSize = <.1,.1,.1>;       // End size of particles (if interpSize == TRUE)
vector push = <0,0,0>;          // Force pushed on particles

// System paramaters
float rate = 0.1;            // How fast (rate) to emit particles
float radius = .55;          // Radius to emit particles for BURST pattern
integer count = 5;        // How many particles to emit per BURST
float outerAngle = 1.55;    // Outer angle for all ANGLE patterns
float innerAngle = 1.55;    // Inner angle for all ANGLE patterns
vector omega = <0,0,3>;    // Rotation of ANGLE patterns around the source
float life = 0;             // Life in seconds for the system to make particles

// Script variables
integer flags;

    if (target == "owner") target = llGetOwner();
    if (target == "self") target = llGetKey();
    if (glow) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK;
    if (bounce) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK;
    if (interpColor) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK;
    if (interpSize) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK;
    if (wind) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK;
    if (followSource) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK;
    if (followVel) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK;
    if (target != "") flags = flags | PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK;

    llParticleSystem([  PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE,age,
                        PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, startColor,
                        PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, endColor,
                        PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, pattern,
                        PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, push,
                        PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, omega,
                        PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, life,
                        PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, texture,
                        PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, startAlpha,
                        PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, endAlpha


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