How should new developers get documentation on all the viewers?
a README.TXT in every viewer, with accurate features list and where to use them
1 33.33%
a wiki type page for each viewer, much easier to find than reading every forum thread and compiling it all each time you need something accurate
1 33.33%
a README.TXT in every viewer, with a vague feature list ("Does mesh". Rigged mesh? Bento? Compile to find out! An hour of poking around to have half a chance to find where the feature is if it present!)
0 0%
a separate forum thread, to make sure the viewer versions and features lists / howto drift apart and are incompatible --- or are fully lost if we accidentally lose forums.
0 0%
Developpers should all reinvent the wheel, to prove they're devs or something, before they get to do anything more useful! Down with people who just want to add a new cool new feature and never code again, we're not wikipedia!
0 0%
I wish for new developers to waste 2 weeks compiling random viewer stuff to make sure half of them quit and the other half makes one or two less features because of the time sink! Down with new features!!
1 33.33%
A wiki or HTML table listing all features comparatively for all viewers. Editable by any developer.
0 0%
There is this viewer that does EVERYTHING, you just wait until you spent 2 weeks compilng to find out which one! My first week on forums pre-VIP didn't tell me that --- that info is for ELDER VIPS! Down with documentation!!!
0 0%
Security by obscurity -> ??? -> profit!
0 0%
The elder developers wish noob developers to stop stealing their jobs! Plus if you need an odd DLL library or something --- it costs your soul, your firstborn, an arm, a leg and 100 reputation points
0 0%
Total: 3 vote(s) 100%

About Second Life Copybot

Second Life CopyBot Forum is a place where you can get items for Second Life and other vitual worlds for free. With our CopyBot viewers you can export and import any content from these virtual worlds and modify them in 3D software such as Blender, 3D studio Macx etc...