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Thread Started By CanaryChuck

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I'm here to basically learn how to rip bento mesh and examine how they're weighted and rigged so that I can support under supported bodies and also learn from other creators.

I actually have a college degree for modeling but they taught us absolutely nothing about rigging and told us that it was the animator's job... Not exactly helpful of them, when the job market expects you to wear a lot of hats you know?

What I intend to give back: 1.) All my new content will be "on display" at my in world store to uh... basically make it easier for others to copy, learn from, whatever :P I'll probably wait 2 weeks after a release and post my "Stolen" item here as if it were ripped. I just don't want my heavy account (11 years, 3 months, 3,000$+ usd) getting nailed for this. (Probably meaning I definitely will. Lol. Two or three under supported non-omega avatars is what I plan to make clothes for. )

2.) Modeling advice since that's my actual field of study. I can help other people fix screwed up smoothing groups, creases, or the occational non-unified normal. Above that I'm going to create a 3D coat pipeline. Basically explaining how to take a OBJ, prep it for 3D coat, and how to get your textures back out for upload.

The polycount forums are nice and all, but they're always so nosey about why you want to do certain things when you post for help so maybe I'll be a more understanding resource ?


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**When downloading Collada/mesh files you must have, at minimum, a general understanding dealing with mesh items and 3D software like Blender, Avastar etc.... .DAE files are not beginner friendly. First you must have an account in Second Life that will allow you to upload mesh files, see here -->

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Two important tools you will need with mesh is

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** Items that are XML or OXP you can simply upload them into the game via XML import or Linkset import (for .oxp files). (Beginner Friendly) All the textures will upload with the item.

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Second Life CopyBot Forum is a place where you can get items for Second Life and other vitual worlds for free. With our CopyBot viewers you can export and import any content from these virtual worlds and modify them in 3D software such as Blender, 3D studio Macx etc...