Ultimate Viewer Project

Thread Started By Saeki Amae

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The project is currently at 80 % progress however I terminate its developement because of unfairness happening on this forum. 

I advise following the project of huggypie if you are interested.

The link to exact explanation of my reasons and to huggypie's thread is here:

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Page 6 (The above is first post of this thread)
@Saeki Amae
I do have many things to say about that, most of which I won't.
Instead, I will let my future actions speak louder than my words.
I will be developing my own toolset, and releasing the source code here so that the knowledge of SL's inner workings can be passed on to others. Here is proof that I am not lying about this:

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You are the creator of the code so you decide :) If you indeed make tools for the community, open-source or not, then I am sure that everybody will appreciate that.


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gone from sl a while but I am back. I am always willing to share what I make in second life. It is people like you that make our lives so much better and no you do not have to do what you do and others like you, but the small fishes like me  that do not know how to code are so grateful to you all that are like you...so again...thank you!!

Awww <3 You are so cute and nice. 

I'm so happy that you like my tool. Thanks to persons like you I have the energy to make my tools better and better. Let me know if you need any help!

And.. of course you absolutely left me no choice but to give you rep points for being sweet and making the forum a brighter place!

Wow this is huge... Keep it up! I mean we can only say "thanks" for your efforts to make it real, but im not the one who's gonna add preasure onto it, just keep doing it if you feel you can. And thank you for even trying it out, i mean really, thank you from all of us! <3

Thank you, such comments give me energy not to give up and keep working on my project - it's not easy (far more difficult than MeshFix 2). 

It won't be a full viewer, not now at least but it will be definitely most useful tool ever released :D

PS: If you want to make me happy, please rate this thread for 5 stars.. I really love cute stars.. it was 5 for long time until someone gave it 1 star and it is only 3 stars now on average :(

Amae-chan ! Please don't put ANY pressure on yourself, i can't say it enough, you're doing much more work than MOST of us with your tools, i honestly don't care if you take 15 years to finish any project. it's crazy how easy it is for some people to be ungrateful... we're litereally being offered things for free and we complain ? that is a logic that i can't comprehend !
I'd appreciate to know that at least making this project is something that is fun an enjoyable to you, i sincerely mean it.

So Again i'd like to sinceraly say : THANK YOU for all your hard work , no matter WHAT the result end up being ( :

and like any guy who watches too much Japanese Anime would say : Otsukaresama ! : D

Thank you for your kind words :) They really help me..

Project developement is currently terminated. Reasons here:

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Thank you for everybody who were kind with their words. It meant a lot to me. But I can't deal with administration here anymore.

I don't trust them.
For me they are kind of persons who if I once i released my tool they would simply ban me and steal my tool for themselves.

I'm sad about what they did to our fav admin ZeroThe10th.

I just can not longer spare my free time for the tool with such administration around. I'm sorry..

I already felt how things were happening here but didn't want to quit immediately cause you guys would be left with nobody to rely on..
But gladly huggypie kept his word and indeed started working on new viewer. So I can leave without worries now.

Support Huggypie's project. His goals are great.. hope admins won't make him end up like me and be kinder to him.

Take care everyone <3

Sorry if I gave you shit earlier, but it seems kind of dumb to quit a project you put so much effort into. Especially if it as ambitious as a viewer with a new engine, which SL desperately needs. Forget reputation points and janny status, these things don't mean anything in the long run.

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