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Second Life Crashing? Fix Your Inventory (Seriously) - Printable Version

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Second Life Crashing? Fix Your Inventory (Seriously) - Second Life - 10-21-2016

Second Life Crashing? Fix Your Inventory (Seriously)

SL inventory management walkthrough

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, the latest update of the Second Life viewer has been crashing on you. And if you're a longtime SLer like Marianne Mcccan, you have a massive, massive object inventory, which very well might be causing that crash:

My inventory is sizable, and really has piled up over the last few months. I’m not good at getting everything where it needs to be, and first life stresses have made me far worse than normal. Plus, I’m a builder and a gacha fanatic. As a result, I currently have an inventory that is fast approaching 115,000. But as I learned, the size of the inventory was not the issue. Two friends came forward to suggest an alternative issue at play. My bulging inventory was, in fact, too flat.

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, but basically, it means if you're crashing, you might want to restructure your crowded inventory:

Too much stuff just in a single place does cause issues — the very login issues I was having. So much is being tossed at you on login that having to load an enormously flat inventory apparently just tips the scales... So after one successful login, I started shoving things in things. Clearing all the excess off the root folder, as well as the massive bulk that was my objects folder, subdividing them into additional folders.


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