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Full Version: KS is set to expire soon.
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KS is set to expire soon.
December 05, 2015
Owner of that site seems to have gone MIA.

Does Goonsquad have a owner or someone who would keep the site running? Or like KS, soon we will be gone too?
Well, that came out wrong, meant to say KG.. Kinggoon.
[Image: 20891cp.gif]
Oh My.. That's pretty sad.
The GS doesn't have anything to do with KG, I know we're rival groups
But still it would be sad to see their community broken up.

[Image: 2qmi4hs.gif]
I wonder if he'd transfer it to us or would he be like " I rather sink this site into the depths than to give it to you guys"

( Sorry for the animations I haven't used them in awhile XD)
........ I take it back let it burn , burn and sink into the depths of the ocean.