Second Life Copybot

Full Version: Hello ^_^
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Hey, I'm Debris. Autocorrect changed my name, so I decided to keep it. I can be pretty trashy at times LOL but I don't do dirt on people. So I have to figure out the whole mesh and uploads thing. I'm pretty decent at flat textures, but mesh and sculpt are a whole new kettle of fish for me. I used to use the hack years ago about dropping the bit of programming in the viewer, but that was before Windows got smart about OpenGL. Glad I found a viewer that can do it again, but how do I use the viewer? It's like handing me the keys to a nice shiny Porsche, but I don't know how to drive a manual transmission :Struggle:
Welcome, Friend, Don't worry about it we made a tutorial to teach you how to drive that mesh car like a pro
[Image: 2hgy89h.jpg]

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