Second Life Copybot

Full Version: Ripping Poses?
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Okay, so..let's say i want to steal a sofa and all of the animations with it..i have no problems saving the actual sofa (i use old skool mostly) but the animation part confuses me..i know the inspect anims and then copy the uuid/pose to your inventory but does that only copy one part of the pose, the part my avatar did? (talking about couple animations). if so, how do i get the complete pose into my inventory?
Couple animations are a pain in the butt XD
But there is a few ways to get them

1. Call a friend or Alt over and have them hop on the opposite couple pose and rip the second half while they are doing it.

2. Most couple items have a Switch button so you can flip from the male pose to the female, you can grab one half of the animation the switch over to the other and extract the animation as our doing it.

3. Hop on one ball >extract> Hop on the other one> extract until the poses are collected.