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Full Version: mesh dummy.blend
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Info Notecard
Hola a todos
os dejo este información, yo no se para que sirve , o como se trabaja
es muy dudoso para mi
si alguien sabe para que sirve(MESH DUMMY) ,porfavor hacer un tutorial ,
yo no tengo ni la menor idea para que sirve blend
yo dejo este post , si no es interesante porfavor eleminar que pequeño info

I leave this information is not used to, or as working
It is very doubtful to me
if anyone knows for serving (MESH DUMMY), please make a tutorial,
I have no idea which serves to blend
I leave this post, if not please sign remove that little interesting info
thank you
Read this notecard

This is the Avatar 2.0 Development Kit mesh dummy
version 1.0

What you can do with it:

You can use it as a shape guide if you wanna make clothing for Avatar 2.0.
You can use it as a rigging tool along with the bone weight copy script, by copying its weights onto your mesh clothing or character.
You can use it as a learning tool to learn rigging and experiment on it, especially following my tutorials and stuff.
Using its skeleton for your own avatar isn't recommended (i have prepared a different file for that) because it has a few
custom joint positions and custom joint positions tend to glitch and shouldn't be used if not necessary.
There are a few unused weight map groups, If your mesh has eyes, assign mEyeLeft and mEyeRight to them,
do not assign the rest to anything, these weights aren't used by SL animations and will just distort your character.

You aren't allowed to sell this model on Second Life or make any kind of other profit from it and if you are going to redistribute it
or use it in your own tutorials, be sure to credit me

Yo no se para que existe este modelo tampoco, pero gracias, como siempre, por tu contribucion.
I am currently learning Blender and these would help a great deal, how do I download?
(10-29-2014, 10:28 AM)CocoCurious Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

I am currently learning Blender and these would help a great deal, how do I download?
I have my doubts before also, to serve the dummy
It was just a question, and a question, you can make your own criteria
sorry, and thanks for knowing more about them.
Thanks, everything is a help to those of us still learning ;)