Second Life Copybot

Full Version: Old libsecondlife client
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Anyone have a copy of the old original libsecondlife copybot client ? The commandline client that reacts on commands by an ingame master.
Whoa whats that? i never even heard of it before
Thats more or less a GUI for the libopensecondlife (later libopenmetaverse) command line client. 
The source of that still can be found here: 

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But the GUI is missing and whoever programmed the GUI did a great job with commands like clone where you can clone a whole avatar and such. 
I actually using the lib on my linux server for having a bot in SL but without the GUI (or the knowledge of all commands even the unlisted) i cannot really control the bot. Thats why i am looking for a copy of the whole pack that was going around 2010 or earlier.