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[ Standing ]9861910c-7f1a-5592-7900-e7d5052bfa15|f72656f5-ef63-b35e-b5ea-7b50bfd14099|aabefc59-7c3c-9b68-4d1a-519873514bc9|c916ae0b-f873-7df5-b801-b7e9031c58da|2fa8ef1a-1659-b467-700b-e8b8b84584b4|4dd97a60-4be0-55b0-bc42-27578ac12e1c|b6ca04bf-6b5c-2930-e959-482a9cb42122|2dd61445-d442-54c1-20eb-829f0268f363|e60bf76d-1572-73a8-0d45-610ca31a3eb1|bfaba694-e913-bfd5-776a-fa9494e1392d|288e2c20-9262-3945-be5f-2d79458caec2|f0976405-41fe-905e-be02-b5230e1ec5e1|4b900d7d-6761-a675-4488-99eb590d4e32|8a460f74-23d5-bd28-dbd0-302dcc1ce354|f8357cfa-e774-b292-1d24-10b8b0911037|d0d80570-762e-94a8-c638-4a8239d85fa1|e74b30bd-62f5-7a01-f09b-a8cd6359dbed|5facbfbf-adca-824a-d2b3-9e908209cfa9|fae49d04-cd25-f233-6920-586a5dec39db
[ Walking ]4dd7a27c-a6c9-1187-906c-de49231962de|5c783954-2e98-a29a-bca7-4053ec1a9988|4a0c77e7-b205-10a7-4791-c05196af5710|a5d62821-1f74-ebd4-d421-7f823351e848|e0e858ca-8ee0-025b-6179-1696864c3422|3a276f47-3c1d-c61f-2c05-836b50f4a8f6|00846ac8-bacb-42da-850e-09b5ae90c3ac|7d617096-c94a-a323-de6a-2de3f24c0d3c
[ Sitting ]b3d73154-4c54-cea1-44ec-8c1b752ee909|f11fc047-dfd9-580a-89bf-5139dbea768d|cc2cff8e-a694-6076-73fd-6045d71fdc24|287d9af7-3a5b-f03e-0536-13897d5421cc|5cc02118-d963-45aa-70dd-49d6222af1c5|7494e554-71de-458c-7ef8-7c84abccb6e2|0dd94a3c-ed12-a47c-22dd-d90f56f8d977
[ Sitting On Ground ]e2704602-b484-b150-d6fb-7ef83ee9d8d0|cbf195aa-1d4b-6178-4560-d2bfc64a3fdf|60f60c6c-df2e-bbf8-ab89-a0ea65d4cd26|44e7e08c-1ccc-2716-9c70-894ac97bd548
[ Crouching ]8075b4ae-ae6b-40fb-b8af-2f31721416e1
[ Crouch Walking ]8faaed9f-52e5-3692-3158-c1d21bc1c21f
[ Landing ]938bac42-8e92-55e3-6cac-c2e62eb5222e
[ Standing Up ]6fcdd079-a890-b03f-97a8-e14a2855647a
[ Falling ]e1b3bd59-e5cf-ad7d-1f8b-3b9189ed1118
[ Flying Down ]d50acce6-6562-44de-2384-c2e7516b1471
[ Flying Up ]800e205e-5129-d1f3-08af-8240bd069c45
[ Flying ]8767177a-4e98-7096-8c2d-a8d68a6f6b9f
[ Flying Slow ]
[ Hovering ]23fe12df-31b5-6ef8-36ae-d2aef17ff1ac
[ Jumping ]082c2589-279c-bc57-3e77-c4fffbbdb898
[ Pre Jumping ]
[ Running ]
[ Turning Right ]3510aa50-f0fe-e884-5eb4-8788b67fbed0
[ Turning Left ]8b1df0f9-efb6-e810-ab11-9441e6fac50d
[ Floating ]
[ Swimming Forward ]
[ Swimming Up ]
[ Swimming Down ]
[ Typing ]41eea250-0c0c-d752-e6fd-379da98e2a83
thank you hypnoo for your share, but can you explain how to use the uuid numbers in a bento ao, so far i know it still dont work uuid numbers in huds or in a AO, they dont work on nc with script uuid's, or just a nc, they still working on the animation self so far i know
(11-12-2021, 01:33 PM)Lagertha Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

thank you hypnoo for your share, but can you explain how to use the uuid numbers in a bento ao, so far i know it still dont work uuid numbers in huds or in a AO, they dont work on nc with script uuid's, or just a nc, they still working on the animation self so far i know

I'm using an outdated build of Darkstorm that still suits my needs, but as far as I know they work the same in Hydrastorm. Copy everything including the [UUID] into a new blank Notecard, then open your Hydrastorm AO (the AO button) and drag the Notecard in.
Just kidding... that's interesting. UUID notecards appear to ONLY work as intended in Darkstorm (v6.2.0). However, those using Hydrastorm or other viewers can definitely still see them, just can't benefit from them themselves. Apologies for sharing something with such limited support!
most ao dont work with uuid on notecards still with no modify scripts but people will read this and try this out 
thank you for your info