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Full Version: How do I Export a hud
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I have the genus baby face hud and I was wondering what I should do to export it. It has animations and a makeup kit. Also I have no Idea how I could view or coppy the scrips insde the hud.
You can't copy the sections unless they are modifiable. To copt the rest the easiest way is to Rez the hud on the ground. Click open and extract the items into a folder. The click on the folder select save as and export everything in that folder. If scripts are no mod they will not export. To copy the HUD prim leave it attached to you HUD and save it as an xml File.

in short you will only be able to save the HUD prim/mesh, the textures and the animations.
tank you! Stoke.001
other option, wear the hud, inspect textures. then you can take every textures seperate, or save the hud as dae, this is faster