Second Life Copybot

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(Stolen From our dear @Zerothe10th website)
Particle extraction

This is a classic you can't have a copy bot viewer enable to extract particles it's one of the only Scripts you're able to extract using the viewer

Although I was recently told that the scripts themselves are not actually extracted

The view or listens for the particle and copies it pretty interesting

Okay this is how you copy particles

First find a particle that you like for this example I'll be using a particle fountain

The particles shoot up like a jet and then fall down beautifully

If we wanted to copy it all we had to do was click on the source of the particle which is usually a box or a ball or wherever the particles are shooting from and select hydrastorm > inspect textures
Here you will see the textures that make up the particles

As well as all the other text your data

Such as
Height, Width with, channel, memory, affect, type, uuid. And uploader

Height and width are self-explanatory
Channels: I'm not sure about that one
Memory: How much memory does effect the sucking up
Effect: If it's a particle or not
Type: Which is the same as affect
Uuid an uploader again self-explanatory

To get the particle you need to select the file the has the particle effect once you select a particle the option to rip the particle script will become available
Press the rips particle script button

A new menu will pop up and ask you to please choose where you wish to copy your script

Clipboard or inventory

Pressing the inventory button will cause the viewer to issue an error, due to the code change
This is unavoidable.
The area will prevent you from copy the code to your inventory

The only option is to press the clipboard option

The script will be copied to your clipboard
And from there you have to open up your inventory and select new script.
Double click the new script and open it.
Once the new script is open click inside the text field of the script and press Ctrl a to select everything then delete then ctrl-v press save and you will have a copy of the particle script.

You can also do the same thing for animated texture Scripts for small things such a scrolling textures fireplaces and some gif scripts.
However at the writing of the sartorial I didn't have any to experiment on so you'll have to do that one on your own and report back so we can change it/.

Well that's it for particles
On to the next topic