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Full Version: Creating Longer Than 10 Second Sound Files.
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Okay, I have question for everyone. Does anyone know how to upload sound files longer than 10 seconds?
I know it's possible, because I just received a new song that's over 2 minutes long and the whole thing plays in just 3 sound files.

This would be very useful to anyone making and sharing dancers or for whatever the purpose of just needing a longer sound file for their creations.

I know there's an old article written up on how it was done back in 2009 and used Meerkat Viewer, but it's old an requires an old two name login.
But apparently there's another way, or even newer because this user/account that created the longer sound files weren't even 2 years old.
Had a single name username like most people do and was able to pull this off recently.

Does anyone know how their doing this? ^.^