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Full Version: Rigging Bento Gloves
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Hi ya,

Made some open finger gloves for Maitreya and am struggling to get them to rig properly. Using Avastar 2.4 , Blender 2.79 and the latest Maitreya that was shared.

The Maitreya has "Bento Hands Rigged", "Gloves Bento" and "Hands Bento"...I've tried transefer weights then Bind with "Keep", Bind with Bones, Just weight transfer ..and then I go inworld and see demos of perfectly rigged open finger gloves for Maitreya, Belleza etc and just want to cry in frustration.   What am I missing? 

I should add that I can rig them and test in the test world but they are not at all for fitting, they float and poke through terribly.