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Full Version: How do i get VIP status?
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Hello, i have subscribed for VIP membership, sent the email witht he recept, but my staus has not been changed, is there anything else i need to do?
Just click the PayPal subscribe button at the top of the forum. After you paid send us an email and we will activate your account.
hi i have payed and sent a copy to the email last week can you tell me what happends now plse ty
Hello I have sent email detailing payment and account just wondering what I do next to gain vip access ....
@retrogamer7878 nothing your status is V.I.P
I know like years later, for the reply but thank you legartha for the reply!
Hi, just posting here because am waiting for the vip status since 4-5 days, if someone can check and change my status, that would be cool ! Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend !
@rpat look at your status
Which email I send the payment receipt?
@EmmaWaltz, go to Ap0110 his account from there you can send a e-mail
send a picture from your payment, and your account name