Second Life Copybot

Full Version: (Video playlist) How to convert your System Avatar into a bento avatar
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This is was a fun class to do, and with a little time you can make your own bento avatars or update your old system avatar ino a sexy bento one, using all those hand motions and junk XD

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baby with the scripts:

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thank you zero! some of your links arent working, Just thought I would let you know. maybe due to the age, Shrugs. I appreciate the ones that do! thank you for sharing.
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<dir class="result-shield-container tlid-copy-target" option="ltr" style="padding-right: 44px; direction: ltr;" tabindex="0" wfd-id="1561"><cite><color class="tlid-translation translation" lang="en" option="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)" style="min-height: 20px; line-height: 28px; font-size: 18px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); white-space: pre-wrap; padding-right: 8px;" wfd-id="1564"><span title="" wfd-id="1565">new here, I am happy to be able to learn so much on this forum, thank you all</span></color></cite>
thanks alot