Second Life Copybot

Full Version: Interact / react to / with comments.
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Okay this one goes out to our beloved GoonSquad developers.

Now I don't mean to complicate anyone’s life, nor add unnecessary stressed but I've been fighting the urge to interact with others comments without having to post a comment of my own.

Kindly please do consider adding features similar to those of FaceBook, this could be a neat way for everyone to share their vibes about certain posts in an instant. Also, it only seems fair to be able give credit in a miniscule form of Rep by hitting "like" / "love" and so forth. It feels good to get likes, no one is going to argue against that! ;)

Like I said, no stress but I'm crossing my fingers that this idea gets chucked into the woodworks!

Thanks for reading!
That's a good idea I will see what I can do when I get some free time. However the site is ran on a forum platform. The things you are requesting are on social network platforms.
Ahh yeah you have a good point there about the platform type. However I can't see how it would harm anyone to be a little more interactive, rather than social, so to say.

Maybe we can put it to a vote? Oooh! LOL! There's a good idea for a forum platform! a Voting system of sorts for acclaimed Squadsters! :D