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Full Version: Backing up inventory
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Hey.... I just want to back up my inventory and move some items between my alts. Most of the items are "no copy" or "no transfer".

I couldn't find much in the tutorials.... just wanted to know if it's possible...
I am using the firestorm professional 

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Uh... simply export them and then import them to the other char... but be careful, the name of your char will appear as creator, so you better obfuscate it so that the name of other avi appears as creator, if you can use an item of the real creator, that would be best. It would be very difficult for someone to find out it was copybotted in such case.
(06-16-2016, 04:33 PM)Kunta Wrote:

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Uh... simply export them and then import them to the other char... but be careful, the name of your char will appear as creator, so you better obfuscate it so that the name of other avi appears as creator, if you can use an item of the real creator, that would be best. It would be very difficult for someone to find out it was copybotted in such case.
Thanks for the reply :)

can I export directly from my inventory or do I have to rezz each item individually and than export them ?
You have to rez or wear each item/object/.mesh to save them. You can export notecards, animations, skins, gestures, shappes etc...from inventory, but you can not export objects from your inventory.
(06-18-2016, 03:59 PM)Minaj Wrote:

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You have to rez or wearch each item/object/.mesh to save them. You can export notecards, animations, skins, gestures, shappes etc...from inventory, but you can not export objects from your inventory.

got it.... thanks :)