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Full Version: Question about UV maps/Blender/Bastioni
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I really, really like the Bastioni, free character creation plug-in. The bones are almost identical to the avastar bone set and with some tweaking works with the bento bones. It's so weird that I've rigged one of these yet I can't figure out the UV map... well, learning isn't always linear for me.

Anyway this should be a really easy question - I just want to slap some skin on it. It comes with a nice UV map as you can see, but I don't know how to separate out the body parts from here. Arranging the UV map - I saw a video or a video I watched covered this but now I can't find it, just dreadfully long tutorials when I only need this one thing to start having some fun with this. Just to move crap around in the UV editor without selecting any vertices. These models have sliders so you can really make them gorgeous, and can resell them inworld as long as credit is given to the creator which is, of course, totally fine. I kind of want to make my own, custom body just for fun and I'd love to sculpt some wings and a tail and test on the bento aditi grid.

Gray is not a good color for her. 

[Image: 164378c80ecca532743c2767276d163f.png]
I almost forgot, to rig this avastar 2.08 or higher must be used, which I'm not using in this screen shot. It probably doesn't matter but I just remembered that.
There's another live chat with Ebbe and other Lindens tomorrow morning. I'm going to try to make it. Meanwhile, I hadn't read the transcripts for the last one. Interesting stuff about bento animations and the like. There's also Sansar stuff I haven't gotten to yet. I prefer reading to watching the videos. I wonder if Maitreya is experimenting with the new rig? I'm sure they are.

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Omg. Be sure to watch the first video with finger animations. Just, wow.
I figured out my Blender question by rtfm. Amazing, has all of these great tips about Blender. Who knew?

Off to the Linden show. I have a great share to try later when I set up the new mesh tool.
Bento bones will be released VERY soon. Huge game changer.