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Full Version: hey Hii n hugzzzz from Jellybj
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Hey Hii n hugzzz everyone this is an awesome site
I have been kickin around the VRz for awhile now Started in Uthervcerse which sucked for the most part then a freind got booted and we moved to SL in ummm 2009
for the most part alot of really good peepz in SL but after renting a lot there for 3 yrz i couldnt afford any long er and a freind was moving to InWordz so i moved there to learn how to biuld and again it got to expensive so then i moved to Great Canadian Grid.
Great place worth checkin out i think tho what do i know like really
Welcome to the family. Im surprised SL haven't dropped the prices by now.
Welcome to the family, Jelly.

Honestly SL could make a small comeback if they simply dropped the prices of land and expanded the grid. If they dropped it to something like 25$ monthly for a full sim with 15,000 available prims. Or even just 5,000 with upgrades at 5$ for an additional 5,000.
Shit i might even buy land if that was the case and i know thousands of others would do the same. However it is LL we're talking about it's doubtfull they will drop the price even after the the population drops to 15%.