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Full Version: Sculpted Shelves/Display Cases
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[Image: 19233a915e1d5819f223a7de972f6bcd.png]

I bought these shelves to showcase my breedables and accessories a while back, they're made from a sculpty and I thought they were incredibly nifty. They're only 1 prim as well. You could use them as shelves in your home and you could even use them in your store like I did.

Download from MEGA:

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You have to copy the link with the encryption key.
D: There is a key set in it? I had no idea. Let me see what's happening with that and if I can fix it.
You have to add the encryption key. On click link with key tab and copy the entire link with the key.
SORRY GUYS! Decryption key: !QNE5Pbx2VrexYtZUdzeakxpf6PNxdvmD0GFNABVo-mE