Second Life Copybot

Full Version: introduction for me hopefully this is right...
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I stumbled into this from these cool tutorials on youtube by Zero I think her name is,... (goonsquadSL) and hadda come over. I've been in SL since founding days, and never tried anything like this but WOW, I'm having a ball! :ThumbsUp: Look forward to learning!
Yup that's me ^_^

Welcome to the Squad, feel free to look at as many tutorials as you like and if you need help just ask and someone will help you if they can, we do frown upon mass downloads without sharing things though >_>
if you get caught doing it you'll get the boot or something like that XD
I'm so new and lost I don't even know where the downloads are on here! :Pudently: Ah so much to learn, I was already brimming over with brain juices this week when I was trying out your marvelous designer tutorials... so then I started to play with exporting my own dae's from things I had made long time ago to import back as mesh now (regular viewer) - but even more excited that I could also save some things that I couldn't before cuz I didn't have perms. My partner passed away, and I am now finally able to save some of his things... as well as a few things that have eluded me for years. Honestly, owe you a big THANKS, Zero!!!
Welcome to Goonsquad. Glad to have you here.
Downloads are everywhere around the forum. You have to post on topics, to get the download link on most/all items.
But as you download, you need to share stuff as well. We recommend when sharing you use

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- Check out the Tutorial Section. Many more there not listed on youtube.
Sorry for your loss as well. If you need help with anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask.